Sponsor: Community Foundation of Boone County
102 North Lebanon Street
Suite 200
Lebanon, IN 46052
Eligibility: Applicants must be Zionsville High School students who intend to study arts and culture. Students must be involved in music as an extracurricular activity if music is not a major or minor.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 6
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.communityfoundationbc.org/
Sponsor: Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation
301 North Main Street, Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Eligibility: Applicants must be winners of the Ann Arbor concert band's young soloist competition.
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 9
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.aaacf.org/Grants-Scholarships/Grants-Scholarships
Sponsor: Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
700 South Dixie Highway
Suite 200
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating high school seniors from Forest Hill High School demonstrating interest in music, possibly being in the Forest Hill band or chorus.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: May 22
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.yourcommunityfoundation.org
Sponsor: South Carolina State Department of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Eligibility: Applicants must be high school seniors in South Carolina public schools, have attended South Carolina public schools for the past two consecutive years and be U.S. citizens. There are five categories: creative writing, dance, music, theater and visual arts. For the creative writing category, a sonnet, lyric or narrative poem no longer than one page must be submitted. For the dance category, an original, short dance composition of three to ten minutes. For the music category, an original composition of three to ten minutes must be submitted. For the theater category, an original one-act play with a performing time of eight to fifteen minutes. For the visual arts category, an original visual composition must be submitted. Compositions are judged on creativity, originality and quality of expression and content.
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: February 19
How to apply: Applications are available online. An application form, composition and process folio are required.
Website: http://ed.sc.gov
Sponsor: ASCAP Foundation
250 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10107
Eligibility: Applicants must be composers who have not turned 30 before February 1 of the current year. They must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents or enrolled students with a student visa. Applicants must submit an original composition.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 1
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.ascapfoundation.org/programs-and-grants
Sponsor: Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation
306 S. University
P.O. Box 1283
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804
Eligibility: Applicants must be freshmen, sophomores or juniors at Beaverton High School, Harrison High School or Mt. Pleasant High School with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must express a love for music in their written essays and an active interest in attending an appropriate band/music camp. Applicants must demonstrate financial need to attend this camp and must complete the band/music camp before the beginning of the new school year.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 2
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.mpacf.org/
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Foundation
Five PPG Place
Suite 250
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Eligibility: Applicants must attend Mt. Lebanon High School as graduating seniors and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Students must plan to attend an accredited vocational or technical trade school or 2-or 4-year college or university and be a person who has been influenced by music, theater or the arts.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 24
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://pittsburghfoundation.org/scholarshipsearch
Sponsor: Community Foundation of the New River Valley
P.O. Box 6009
Christiansburg, VA 24068
Eligibility: Applicants must provide documentation that confirms their financial need and evidence of their commitment to high school symphonic and marching bands and musicianship.
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: January 31
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://cfnrv.org/
Sponsor: Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Zeitgeist Arts Building
222 East Superior Street
Suite 302
Duluth, MN 55802
Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating seniors from Duluth East High School who are active in the sport of pole vaulting and/or music activities.
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: February 15
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: http://www.dsacommunityfoundation.com
Sponsor: ASCAP Foundation
250 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10107
Eligibility: Applicants must be under the age of 30 and U.S. citizens or permanent residents. They must submit one original composition, including a score and performance, if possible.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: December 1
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.ascapfoundation.org/programs-and-grants
Sponsor: BMI Foundation Inc.
7 World Trade Center
250 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10007
Eligibility: Applicants must be age 17 to 24 and write an original song to be reviewed by a prestigious panel of judges. Entries are to be submitted by music schools, universities, youth orchestras and the Music Educators National Conference (MENC).
Amount: Up to $20,000
Deadline: February 15
How to apply: Please see the website for a full list of eligible organizations that may submit entries.
Website: http://www.bmifoundation.org
Sponsor: Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation
101 W. Sandusky Street, Suite 207
Findlay, OH 45840
Eligibility: Applicants must be citizens of the U.S. and graduating seniors of Findlay High School in Findlay, OH who have participated in the Findlay High School Choir or a music technology course at Findlay High School. Preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in music with special consideration given to music education or music technology (commercial music production). Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or above while in high school and must be able to document their participation in organizations and volunteer service in the community.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 1
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.community-foundation.com/scholarships
Sponsor: National Federation of Music Clubs Junior Composers Award
P.O. Box 2680
Centennial, CO 80161
Eligibility: There are four age classes: 9 and under; 10-12; 13-15 and 16-18. Applicants must be members of the National Federation of Music Clubs. Selection is based on content and musicianship. There is a $5.00 entry fee plus state entry fee.
Amount: $100-$300
Deadline: February 8
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: http://www.nfmc-music.org
Sponsor: Keith Brabant Music Scholarship
P.O. Box 296
Clayton, NY 13624
Eligibility: Applicants must be Jefferson County residents aged between 5 and 25 years who are interested in music and have financial need.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: May 15
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://keithbrabantmusicscholarshipfestival.org
Sponsor: Innovia Foundation
818 W. Riverside Avenue
Suite 650
Spokane, WA 99201
Eligibility: Applicants must be high school seniors or graduates of Bonners Ferry High School in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Academic achievement and financial need are the primary factors for consideration. Students must have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0 through the seventh semester of high school. Preference is given to students who are high school seniors and who have demonstrated a strong interest in music during high school. Recipients may reapply in subsequent years.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 3
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://innovia.org/students/
Sponsor: Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
1055 Broadway Boulevard
Suite 130
Kansas City, MO 64105
Eligibility: Applicants must be females, graduating from Shawnee Mission South High School. Students must be in the top one-third of their graduating class, demonstrate financial need have interests in the areas of religion, music, dance, volunteerism and/or Hispanic heritage.
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: March 4
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.growyourgiving.org/scholarships/
Sponsor: Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
1500 Main Street
P.O. Box 15769
Springfield, MA 01115
Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating seniors from Gateway Regional High School who excel academically and have an interest in music or science.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 31
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: http://communityfoundation.org/scholarships/
Sponsor: National Federation of Music Clubs Olson Awards
National Federation of Music Clubs
1646 W Smith Valley Road
Greenwood, IN 46142
Eligibility: Applicants must be at least in grade 7 and no older than age 25. Students must be members of the National Federation of Music Clubs and must submit an original piano composition to be judged. This biennial award is given in odd-numbered years.
Amount: $500-$1,000
Deadline: March 1
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: http://www.nfmc-music.org/competitions-awards/
Sponsor: Community Foundation of the North State
1335 Arboretum Drive
Suite B
Redding, CA 96003
Eligibility: Applicants must be high school seniors graduating from Enterprise High School in Redding with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students must have participated in athletics and/or music in high school and plan to attend a community college or a four-year college or university.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 22
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://cfnorthstate.org/scholarships/
Sponsor: Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
50 Washington Street
Suite 300
Reno, NV 89503
Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating high school seniors, college students and returning college students who have experience as volunteers and/or performers in Reno Pops Orchestra. Students must be committed to making music a part of their life.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 15
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://nevadafund.org
Sponsor: Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation
301 North Main Street, Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Eligibility: Applicants must be graduating seniors that have lettered (athletics, theater, music) at Pioneer High School. Students must have been employed for at least 12 consecutive months while in high school.
Amount: $500
Deadline: February 9
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.aaacf.org/Grants-Scholarships/Grants-Scholarships
Sponsor: National Federation of Music Clubs Stillman-Kelley Award
Nathalie Steinbach
15 Mount Vernon Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Eligibility: Applicants must be instrumentalists, must not reach their 19th birthday by March 1 and be members of the National Federation of Music Clubs. This award rotates by region with the Northeastern and Southeastern regions in even years and Central and Western regions in odd years.
Amount: $250-$1,500
Deadline: March 1
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: http://www.nfmc-music.org
Sponsor: Napa Valley Community Foundation
3299 Claremont Way, Suite 4
Napa, CA 94558
Eligibility: Applicants must be students who are committed to music and wish to advance their musical development. The scholarship can be used to pay for activities such as music lessons or summer camp or for college tuition (where the students demonstrate their desire to continue their musical education). Students must be residents of Calistoga and must be enrolled in grades 7-12 or be high school graduates.
Amount: $667
Deadline: March 7
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.napavalleycf.org/im-a-student/scholarship-opportunities/
Sponsor: Saginaw Community Foundation
1 Tuscola
Suite 100B
Saginaw, MI 48607
Eligibility: Applicants must attend school in Saginaw County, entering grades 7 through 11. Students must attend a Michigan music camp, such as Camp Timbers Band Camp, Interlochen Center for the Arts, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp or participate in a summer music study within Michigan. Applicants must be enrolled in a music class either at school or privately for both the current year and the upcoming year. Students must submit letters of recommendation, a recent school transcript, a completed FAFSA, an essay and a special attachment or membership verification information.
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 10
How to apply: Applications are available online.
Website: https://www.saginawfoundation.org/site/scholarships/